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Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets

Crannog arch, wedding flowers

Crannog arch, flowers for wedding venue

Bouquet and posies

Wedding bouquet and bridesmaids' posies

basket of posies

A basket of Victorian 'Posies with meanings!'

Victorian flower posy

Victorian flower posy


Victorian flower posy

Wedding bouquet

Brides' bouquet and flower girl posy


Brides' bouquet and bridesmaids' bunches

wedding posies

Keeping the posies cool in the freezer!

Vegetable garden

Formal vegetable garden in Surrey

Growing success

Vegetable crops flourishing in formal vegetable garden

Cutting beds

Cut flowers and vegetable crops in a formal garden

Informal garden

Creating curved steps and terraced borders on a hillside

start of terracing

Creating dry-stone terracing and steps on a hillside

Planting the terraces

The first planting of the terraces

terraces 2009

The same terraces and steps, after a year!

greenhouse and pool j

A colourful pool and bog garden to help the wildlife flourish

more terraces

Soft pinks and greys blending with the stone walls

rocky bed

Alpine plants giving spring colour among the rocks


Autumn colours extending the flowering season


Autumn colours near the pond

School project

'Create a productive, interesting garden for the pupils here please'

school project

Okay! Raised beds as soil is solid clay

school project

The children start planting before we've even finished!

school project

Bespoke Totem pole with the wise owl, inquisitive squirrel and a determined badger!


Cut willow rods for use in many different structures

show gardens

Gold medal design for the Royal Welsh Garden show

plant combinations

Pink and purple

plant combinations

Raised woven willow bed, yellows and whites

start of Cardiff

Start of the show garden for Cardiff RHS show

front of structure

The structure going for up for Cardiff RHS show

the finish

The finished show garden; 'Sweet retreat'

the finish

'Sweet Retreat' - First show garden ever for Imogen, Nick and I - Silver-gilt!

Sweet Retreat

Another view - we were so proud!

start of town garden

Small town garden ' Please make this more interesting!'

town garden 1st stage

Attractive border and path edges first

small town garden

Blue slate for the path and the planting has just gone in

back of town garden

And the start of the back garden transformation

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